(n) maternal rights
(n,adj-no) property right to an estate
(n) civil rights
(n) interest
(n) right to strike
(n) (aeronautical) beyond right
(n) design right
right(s) to a design
(n) permanent residence
(n) NTT permission-to-procure-a-phone-line
(n) patriarchal right
(n) right to dissolve (e.g. the Diet)
(n) maritime authority
(n) stockholder's right
(n) environment right
(n) (have) jurisdiction over
(n) fundamental right (legal)
fundamental human right
(n) vested rights
(n) expectant right (as opposed to a vested right)
contingent right
(n) non-voter
(n) voting right
(n) right of residence (i.e. right to go on leasing a house, etc.)
(n) right of veto
(n) fishing rights
(n) promotional or production rights
(n) air rights
(n) right of management
(n) police powers
(n) voting rights
(n) right to decide
(n) non-smokers' rights