(exp,adj-i) reluctant to
not inclined to
(exp) feel uneasy
on tenterhooks
in suspense
(adv) at one's fancy (whim)
(exp,v1) to brace oneself
to focus one's energies
to focus one's mind
(exp,v1) to cheer
to raise somebody's spirits
(exp) to completely rethink
to pull one's self together
(exp) take it easy
(exp) take it easy
(n) tracheal tube
(exp) to cheer on
to raise a shout
(exp) to cheer on
to raise a shout
(exp,v1) to do it with feeling
to get psyched
to motivate (oneself)
(n) law of combining volumes
(exp) to be unable to read the situation
to be unable to pick up on the mood of a conversation (e.g. A and B are complaining about C, and D joins the conversation praising C)
(n) (comp) Magneto-Optical disk
(n) (comp) magnetic ink character
(n) magnetic moment
(n) magnetic resonance imaging
(n) maglev train
(exp) Fair words fill not the belly
Food before romance
(exp) (id) Heart is won by heart
(n) (comp) electrostatic printer
(n) Air Pollution Control Law
(n) changeable weather
(n) electrically heated carpet (wasei: electric carpet)
(n) electric muscle stimulation
(v1) to seem to be sick
(exp,v1) to be discouraged
(exp,v1) to be discouraged
(exp,v1) to be discouraged