(n) aneroid barometer
(n) diesel electric car
(n) nuclear magnetic resonance imaging
(adv) frantically
to distraction
(exp) (sens) to be slightly crazy
to have a touch of insanity
(exp) (sens) to be slightly crazy
to have a touch of insanity
(n) International Telecommunication Union
(n) (comp) International Electrotechnical Commission
(n) magnetic resonance imaging scanner
MRI scanner
(n) magnetic resonance tomography
(exp) to inherit one's parents disposition
(n) (comp) International Telecommunications Union
(n) (comp) antistatic mat
(n) general electric devices manufacturing company
general electrical manufacturer
(n) major electrical manufacturer
major company manufacturing electric devices
(n) electroshock therapy
(n) hot water dispenser
(exp) to go in spite of illness
(exp) to muster up one's courage
(n) subtropical jet stream
(exp) to be in high spirits
(n) (comp) magnetic ink character recognition
(n) (comp) magnetic card storage
(n) (comp) magnetic tape storage
(n) (comp) magnetic drum storage
(n) (comp) bubble memory
(n) (comp) bubble memory
(exp) to generate electricity by hydraulic power
(n) (comp) (electric) circuit breaker
(n) tropical monsoon climate