(n) anesthetic injection
anaesthetic injection
(n) immunization
preventive injection
(exp) to concentrate one's effort (on something)
(n) ion implantation
(n) Fragile
Handle With Care
(n) storm warning
strong wind warning
(n) limit order
(exp) you're not watching where you're going!
(exp) due diligence
due care
reasonable diligence
reasonable care
(n) storm warning
(v1) to pour into
(v1) to pour into
(exp,v5k) to attract attention
(exp,v5k) to attract attention
(exp,v5k) to attract attention
(exp) to call a person's attention (to)
(exp) to be off one's guard
(exp) to pay attention
(exp) to pay attention (to)
(exp,v5t) to inject
(exp,v5t) to inject
(exp) to make a splash
to draw attention
(exp,v5s) to apply eyedrops
(n) person requiring special attention
person under surveillance
(n) injection of Ringer's solution
(exp,v5g) to make things worse
to stir things up
lit: to add fuel to the fire
(n) handling warning
(n) market order
(exp) to distract a person's attention
(n) (comp) annotation text relative