(n) cricoid cartilage
(n) critical condition
(n) ground state
(n) (comp) basic state
basic status
(n,adj-no) (comp) hibernation
(n) globular cluster
(n) bulbous bow (on a ship to reduce drag)
(n) state of lethargy
absolute bewilderment
mental numbness
(n) a criminal
(n) a criminal
(n) excited condition
excited state
(n) extreme situation
(n) withdrawal symptoms
abstinence syndrome
(n) (comp) conformable
(n) economic conditions
(n) economic condition
(n) (the condition of) one's health
(n,adj-no) xiphoid process
ensiform cartilage
(n,adj-no) xiphoid (relating to the lower part of the sternum)
(n) get-well card
sympathy letter
(n) hallucination
(n) (comp) current situation
current conditions
(n) maintenance of the status quo
(n) abandonment of the status quo
destroying the status quo
overthrowing the present situation
(n) grasping the present situation
having an accurate grasp of the situation
(n) refusal to accept the present situation
denial of the existing situation
negation of the status quo
(uK) (n) as is
in (its) present state
(n) critical situation
(n) (comp) error condition (in calculators)
(n) (comp) light source state