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Compounds of 神

  • (n) jinx (lit: god of pestilence)
    odious person
    angel of death
  • (n) jinx (lit: god of pestilence)
    odious person
    angel of death
  • (n) god of fire (in Japanese mythology, usu. Kagutsuchi no Kami)
  • (n) raising a cloud of ashes
  • (n) Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe
  • (n) (arch) living god (honorific term for the emperor)
  • (n) (arch) living god (honorific term for the emperor)
  • (n) (arch) living god (honorific term for the emperor)
  • (n) (1) living god (term for the emperor)
    (2) miracle-working god (who appears as the occasion demands)
  • (n) ancient Shinto (as practiced prior to the Introduction of Confucianism and Buddhism to Japan)
  • (n) deified volcano or volcanic eruption
  • (n) kagura performed at the imperial palace
  • (n) sacred wine or sake
    sake offered to the gods
  • (n) shintai
    object of worship housed in a Shinto shrine and believed to contain the spirit of a deity
  • (n) portable shrine (carried in festivals)
  • (n) (uk) written oracle
  • (n) (1) living god (term for the emperor)
    (2) miracle-working god (who appears as the occasion demands)
  • (n) spiritualism
  • (n) gods of the land
    earthly deities
  • (n) gods of the land
    earthly deities
  • (n) supreme deity
  • (n) traveler's guardian deity (traveller)
  • (n) traveler's guardian deity (traveller)
  • (n) (1) any god of foodstuffs
    (2) Uka-no-Mitama (god of rice)
  • (n) (1) any god of foodstuffs
    (2) Uka-no-Mitama (god of rice)
  • (n) guardian deity of one's birthplace
  • (n) four divine beasts
    guardian deities of the four cardinal points
  • (n) (god of) death
  • (n) supreme deity
  • (n) optic nerve