(n) Thanksgiving (US, Canada)
(n) prayer service for a good crop
(n) prayer service for a good crop
(n) anniversary
(n) Gion Festival (in Kyoto during the month of July, with high point on the 17th)
(n) (Ainu) Bear Festival
(n) art festival
(n) bloodbath
(n) Shinto Festival of Origins (January 3rd)
(n) May Day
May Festival
(n) Too late!
(n) an event held on the night after the last day of some festival (school festival) often bonfire & dancing
(n) (pol) festival
(n) port festival
(n) equinoctial ceremony held by the emperor at the shrine of imperial ancestors
(n) (1) Christmas (authentic term now used within Japanese Christian denominations)
(2) celebration of the birthday of a saint or great man
(n) popular type of sushi bento, differing by regions
brand of sushi bento
(n) festivities
(n) (constellation) Ara
(n) donation made at a ritual
(n) cherry blossom festival
(n) Sanja Festival (Asakusa Shrine in Tokyo; third weekend of May)
(n) (1) Sannou Festival (Hie Shrine in Tokyo; June 15)
(2) Sannou Festival (Hie Shrine in Shiga; April 14)
(n) Festival of the Ages (Oct. 22 festival held at Heian Jingu Shrine in Kyoto)
(n) imperial memorial ceremony (held on the anniversary of the emperor's or empress's death, on fixed years)
(n) the carnival
(n) harvest festival
(n) autumn festival
fall festival
(n) national holiday
(n) spring festival