(n) patient and relatives
(n) related tradespeople
(n) pinch hitter
(n) person who prays
(n) press conference
(n) (comp) press release
(n) emergency patient
emergency case
(n) (legally) incompetent individual
(n) mycologist
(exp) Even a fool may sometimes give good counsel
(n) economist
(n) general (civil engineering and construction) contractor
(n) a builder
(n) constitutional scholar (lawyer)
expert in constitutional law
(n) (ling) linguist
(n) numismatist
(n) classicist
classical scholar
(n,adj-no) flip
frivolous person
person who readily chimes in with others
person who gets carried away easily
(n) a scholar beholden to the government
(n) (1) vulnerable road users
(2) mobility impaired people
(3) people with out public transport access
(n) archeologist
(n) ruffian
rowdy (person)
(n) Alpine leek (edible plant, Allium victorialis var. platyphyllum)
(n) person fallen sick by the wayside
(n) someone with superior education
(n) person on top of the income scale
top earner
(n) names of successful candidates
(n) phrenologist
(n) entomologist
(n) consolidator (shipping, freight, etc.)