(exp) to behave well
to mind one's manners
(exp) to behave well
to mind one's manners
(n) (comp) linage-counter
(n) Government Paperwork Elimination Act (USA)
(n) h-hour
(v5u) to carry on together
to do at the same time
(n) Bank for International Settlements
(n) (uk) Pheropsophus jessoensis (species of bombardier beetle)
(adj-i) unsuccessful
going badly
(n) (comp) event queue
(n) (comp) execute cycle
(n) (comp) executable file
(n) customs tariff schedules of Japan
(n) (comp) run-time error
(n) (comp) dispatching priority
(n) (comp) object-computer
(n) (comp) output queue
(exp) (id) Life is not easy
(n,vs) round-the-world trip
world cruise
(n) sexually transmitted diseases
(n) market order
(n) Japanese Banker's Association
(n) (comp) operation progress
(n,adj-no) (comp) queue-driven
(n) (comp) queueing theory
(n) unilateralism
(n) (gymnastics) uneven parallel bars
(n) local administrative organ
local government
(n) governor of a central bank
(n) agencies of a central government