(n) long-term credit bank
(exp) to advance unobstructed
(n) (comp) billing
(n) independent administrative corporation (institution, agency)
(exp) one's habitual behaviour (behavior)
(n) cognitive-behavioral therapy
cognitive-behavioural therapy
(adj-f) of tender years
very young
(n) antisocial behavior
(n) flight recorder
(n) no-fly zone
(n) unfair labor practices
unfair labor practises
unfair labour practices
(exp) to follow
to keep in pace with
to understand
(n) (comp) character path
(n) (comp) execution cycle
(n) survey of expenditure
(n) pink eye
epidemic keratoconjunctivitis
(exp) to be on the right track
to go well
(n) Federal Reserve Bank (USA)
(exp) (1) (uk) (after negative base of verb) have to (verb)
must (verb)
(2) is indispensable
absolutely necessary
(n) Asian Development Bank
(n) Orient express
(n) (comp) command line argument
(exp) (sl) to foot it
to hoof it
to go on foot
(exp) bad news travels fast
(exp) (1) the clouds look menacing
(2) things don't look good
(exp,v1) to be (too) late getting married
(exp) take it easy
(n) (comp) Automatic answer Network System for Electrical Request
(exp) to carry out a scheme
(exp,v5r) to miss each other
to cross (in the post)
to go astray
to go wrong