(n) satellite photograph
(n) satellite transmission
(n) satellite communication
(n) satellite phone
(n) satellite town or city
(n) satellite broadcasting
(n) hygiene management
(n) health standards
hygiene standards
(n) sanitary engineering
(n) sanitary conditions
(n) sanitary facilities
(n) excessive or unjustifiable self-defense (defence)
(n) a maritime satellite
(n) nuclear defenses
nuclear defences
(n) environmental hygiene
(n) weather satellite
(n) joint defense
joint defence
(n) the Imperial Guards
(n) military satellite
(n,adj-no) sanitation
public health
(n,vs) measures to defend oneself (for self-defense) (defence)
(n) Self-Defense Forces personnel
(n) Self-Defense Forces Law
(n) food hygiene
(n) man-made satellite
(n) (uk) whale shark (Rhincodon typus)
(n) legitimate self-defence
legitimate self-defense
(n) mental health
mental hygiene
(n) satellite in geosynchronous orbit
(n) nonaggressive defense (policy) (defence)