(n) (vulg) hick
country bumpkin
(n) (vulg) hick
country bumpkin
(n) (Japanese) Defense Facilities Administration Agency (Defence)
(n) Director General of (former) Defence Agency (Defense)
(n) balancing toy
(n) Ground Self-Defense Forces (Defence)
(n) Galilean satellites
(n) Galilean satellites
(n) missile defence
missile defense
(n) safety education
(n) satellite-based mobile phone
(n) medical technologist
(n) scientific research satellite
(n) ocean surveillance satellite
(n) bath heated directly from beneath, with a floating wooden lid on which the bather sits causing it to sink (named after the robber Goemon Ishikawa, who was boiled to death in one)
(exp) to provide (a person) with a bodyguard
(exp) reduced to skin and bones
(n) right to collective defense
right to collective defence
(n) information-gathering satellite
(n) earth observation satellite
(n) Atago class destroyer
(n) Shirane class destroyer
(n) Haruna class destroyer
(n) satellite television
(n) Japan maritime self defense force (defence)
(n) Japan air self defense force (defence)
(n) Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (defence)
(n) (comp) CS
Communication Satellite
(n) National Defense Program Outline
(n) (arch) (col) John Doe (usu. used in jest)
a Mr. Nobody