(n,adj-no) oratorical tone
(n) temperature control
(n) (comp) volume control
(n) household furnishings
(n,adj-na) refined, dignified, elegant
(n) environmental research
(n) (comp) keynote speech
(n) keynote speech
(n) seasonal adjustment
(n) (comp) technical investigation
(n) mediation
(n,vs) coordinated intervention
joint intervention
(n) cooperative relationship
(n) interworking
(n) collaboration
(n) alignment
(n) (ling) emphatic (sentence) construction
(n,vs) (comp) highlighting
(n) air conditioning
(n) air conditioner
(n) investigation (to determine the cause of something)
(n) field survey
field work (research)
on-the-spot investigation
(n,vs) local procurement
local content
sourcing locally
(n) census-taking
examining family registers
(n) employment adjustment
(n,adj-no) flip
frivolous person
person who readily chimes in with others
person who gets carried away easily
(n) trial record
(adj-na,n) poor talker
(n) international cooperation
international harmony
(n) (national) census