(n,vs) half-hearted reply
vague answer
reluctant answer
(v5r,vi) to tell again and again
to repeat
to refrain
to turn up
to turn down
(n) prompt reply
(n) prompt reply
(n,vs) somersault
(n) point along a (mountain) pass beyond which a horse cannot travel
(n) returning half of a consolatory or celebratory gift
(n) spurt of blood (from one's victim)
(n) act of betrayal
(n) marks indicating the Japanese meaning of the texts of Chinese classics
(n) return value
(n) comeback (e.g. in business)
second bloom
(n) for reply
(n) return postage
(n) reply letter
(n) word-order marks used to assist reading of Chinese classics
(n) (1) terminal bonus
lump sum when policy matures
(2) payout on cancellation of contract
(n) inside out
upside down
(v5s,vt) to turn inside out
to turn the other way
to turn (something) over
(v5r,vi) to be turned inside out
(v5s,vt) to knead
to mix
to complicate
to turn into a mess
(n) cramp in the leg
(n,vs,adj-no,adj-na) (1) repetition
(adv) (2) repeatedly
(v5s,vi) to repeat
to do something over again
(v5s,vt) to knead
to mix
to complicate
to turn into a mess
(v5r) to rebound
to recoil
to spring back up
(v5s,vi) to come back
to return
to recur
(v5r,vi) to choke
to sob convulsively
to cough
(v5s,vt) to do over
to answer or fire back
to retort
(v5s) to grasp back
to squeeze back
to grab back