(n,vs) (1) somersault
(2) returning from a destination right after arriving there
non-stop round trip
round trip without an overnight stop
(3) abrupt change of direction
(exp,v5s) to turn back
to return
(exp,v5s) to turn back
to return
(n) parroting another's words
(n) rotating stage machinery, which rolls backwards 90 degrees to reveal the next scene
(n) rotating stage machinery, which rolls backwards 90 degrees to reveal the next scene
(v5r,vi) to be utterly amazed
to be stunned
(n) parroting another's words
(n) cramp in the leg
(v5s,vi) to be in confusion or commotion
to be in a turmoil
to be crowded or jammed with people
(n) returning tit for tat
(n,vs) (1) somersault
(2) returning from a destination right after arriving there
non-stop round trip
round trip without an overnight stop
(3) abrupt change of direction
(n,vs) (1) somersault
(2) returning from a destination right after arriving there
non-stop round trip
round trip without an overnight stop
(3) abrupt change of direction
(n) spatula
(v5s,vt) to turn over
to overturn
to knock over
to upset
to turn inside out
(v5r,vi) to be overturned
to be upset
to topple over
to be reversed
(n) (comp) repetitive operation
(n) repetition symbol
repetition of the previous character
(exp) referee signalling the imminent start of the sumo bout by turning his fan
(n) collateral (money)
collateral or counterpart fund
(n) collateral (goods)
(exp) (id) Go back to the starting point
(v5s) to mix in
to stir (up)
to interfere
(v5s,vi) to return
(v5r,vi) to fall silent
to become still as death
(n) turning back or turnaround point (in a race)
(n) (comp) loopback test
(n) flipping a table over in anger
overturning a table in anger
(v5s,vt) to poke in return
to send back
to reject
(n) (comp) return of content