(n) attorney general
(n) Commander-in-Chief
(n) market growth
(n) mayoral election
(n) (arch) lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus)
(n) senior executive manager
(n) head of the secretariat
(n) secretary-general
(n) chief secretary
(n) presidential order
(n) freshwater prawn (any species in the genus Macrobrachium)
(n) freshwater prawn (any species in the genus Macrobrachium)
(n) abbot
(n,adj-na) heavy, thick, long, and big (products)
massive and heavy (products)
heavy (manufacturing)
(n) assistant section or department manager
(n) police sergeant
(n) (uk) merlin (species of falcon, Falco columbarius)
pigeon hawk
(n) prosperity and decay
rise and fall
ebb and flow
vicissitudes (of fortune)
(n) fire captain
fire marshal
(n) sergeant major
(n) (comp) redundancy check
(n) (comp) redundant configuration
(n) (comp) verbose output
(n) (comp) redundant power supply
(n) (comp) redundancy code
(exp) being a guest for too long (e.g. of a neighbor)
(n) head judge (sumo)
(n) head of personnel department
(n) chief librarian
(n) growth process