(n) logistic curve
growth curve
(n) growth industry
(n) (high) growth business
(n) novel of formation (education)
novel of character development
novel which traces the intellectual, moral, spiritual or social development of a young person
Bildungsroman (German)
(n) growth strategy
(n) growth forecast
(n) chairman of (party) policy bureau
policy chief
(n) chairman and vice-chairman
(n) multimillionaire
(n) director-general
(n) chief of the general affairs department (bureau)
chief of the executive section
(n) (obsc) braggart
self-conceited person
(adj-i) (1) lasting (work)
sustained (effort)
(2) long-winded
(n) (uk) Tetragnatha praedonia (species of long-jawed orb weaver)
(n) (uk) siamang (species of gibbon, Symphalangus syndactylus)
(n) assistant chief of staff, g1
(n) assistant chief of staff, g3
(n) assistant chief of staff, g2
(n) section manager
(n) senior Manager
(n) (comp) centre wavelength
(n) half double crochet
(n) assistant chief of staff, g2
(n) triple crochet
treble crochet
(v1,vi) to have a long life
to live a long time
(n) long, kimono-like garment, made of light fabric and worn under the kimono
(n) long (i.e. full-length) pants (as opposed to shorts)
(n) long vowel symbol
(v1) to be too long
(n) long-term memory