(n) divorce by decree
(n) close relationship
(n) neutral
(v5s) to separate from
to detach
(n) separate taxation
(n) (comp) separator
(n) separatism
(n) separation of farmers and samurai (system in effect from the Azuchi-Momoyama period until the Edo period)
(n) detachment of the retina
(exp) to take one's eyes off
(n) out-of-body experience
(n,adj-na) being scattered in all directions
being broken up and dispersed
(n) science phobia
(n) flight from science
(n) syneresis
(n) room detached from main house
(adj-na,n) separate
(n,vs) alliance and rupture
(n) divorce suit
divorce proceedings
(n) official divorce registration papers
(n,vs) meeting and parting
gathering and scattering
alignment and realignment
alternating alliance and rupture
alternating cooperation and defection
(n) trend to move away from rural areas
rural depopulation
(n) divorce by settlement
(v1,vi) to be very far apart from
to be remote
to be quite different from
(n) (comp) parameter separator
(n) at a long distance
(n) long distance relationship
(n) centrifuge
centrifugal machine
(n) dissociative disorder
(v1,vi) to be very far apart from
to be remote
to be quite different from