(n) orbital eccentricity
(exp) to open the distance
(v1,vi) to be very far apart from
to be remote
to be quite different from
(exp,v1) (1) to become independent
(2) to leave one's hands
to leave one's possession
(n) true anomaly (astronomy)
(adj-f) lonely (place)
in the middle of nowhere
(n) vertical take off and landing
(v1) to cut off and separate
(n) geographic isolation
geographical isolation
(n) (highway) median
(n) middle-distance race
(n) middle-distance race
(n) long-distance dependency (dependencies)
(n) (comp) long distance company
(n) slugger (baseball)
heavy hitter
(n) long-distance call
trunk call
(n) long(-range) flight
(n) long-distance transportation (transport, haulage)
(n) long-distance train
(n) ionizing radiation
(n,vs,adj-no) unJapanese in appearance or character
(n) backward belt throw (sumo)
(adv) always carry
(v1,vi) to fly apart
to tower over
to be out of the ordinary
(n,adj-no) other-worldly
free from worldliness
(n) (Mendel's) law of segregation
(n) (comp) separator character
(n) separatists
(n) reaction of free radicals
(n) being apart
(state of being) separated