(n) non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
(exp) to declare a state of emergency
(n) (comp) asymmetric data flow
(n) (comp) asynchronous communications adapter
(n) artificial insemination by donor
(n) (comp) unnumbered responses
(n) (comp) non-SGML data entity
(n) (comp) non-return-to-zero change-on-ones recording
non-return-to-zero (mark) recording
(n) (comp) emergency eject hole
(n) nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
(n) proportional representation system in which both party and individual votes are cast, seats are distributed amongst parties by proportion of vote obtained, and candidates are elected in descending order of number of votes obtained
(n) (comp) asymmetric digital subscriber loop
(exp) an expensive fur coat will not be made with a single fox alone
to rule a country requires many great men
(n) (comp) non-Von Neumann-type computer
(n) (comp) astable multivibrator
(n) (comp) asymmetric multiprocessor
(n) non-verbal communication
(n) (comp) decentralized (N)-multi-endpoint-connection
(exp) (id) Man shall not live by bread alone
(exp) (id) Man shall not live by bread alone