(exp) to cry against
to denounce publicly
(n) (comp) unshielded
(n) (comp) non-identity operation
(n) (comp) nonprinting character
(n) nonprofit (noncommercial) business
(n) nonprofit organization
nonprofit organisation
(n) (comp) nonadd function
(n) (comp) lossy compression
(n) (ling) (obsc) uncountable noun
(n) non-disclosure agreement
(n) Japan's three antinuclear principles (against producing, possessing and allowing the entry of nuclear weapons into Japanese territory)
(n) non-nuclear-weapon state
(n) non-tariff barrier
(n) non-local jump
(n) a nonmetallic element
(n) (comp) nonwhite character
(n) informal discussion
(n) part-time lecturer
contract teacher
(n) emergency bag
survival kit
(n) (comp) nongraphic character
(n) (ling) non-restrictive (of relative pronoun use)
(n) non-governmental organization
non-governmental organisation
(n) (comp) singular matrix
(n) asymmetric war
(n) non-monotonic logic
nonmonotonic logic
(n) atypical pneumonia
(n) (ling) non-finite verb
(n) (comp) non-equivalence operation
EXCLUSIVE-OR operation
(n) (comp) asynchronous bus
(n) asynchronous communication