(n) coach and four
four horse coach
(exp) to be no match for (e.g. outclassed in authority, strength or in debt to)
to be unable to act on an equal basis with
(exp) to be no match for (e.g. outclassed in authority, strength or in debt to)
to be unable to act on an equal basis with
(exp,v5r) to lose one's cool
to blow one's top
to flip one's lid
to get angry
(exp) (id) Honesty is the best policy
Honesty pays
(exp) (id) Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion
(exp,v5r) to blank out
to panic
(exp) unable even to drive away the flies on one's own head (denoting a helpless person)
(exp) don't cover your head and leave your bottom exposed
you have to be careful not to expose your weak point while attempting to protect yourself
(n) streptococcal throat infection
strep throat
(n) (comp) context prefix
(exp) oral defamation
(exp) unable even to drive away the flies on one's own head (denoting a helpless person)
(exp) (id) You can't fight City Hall
(exp) too many cooks spoil the broth (lit: too many captains will steer the ship up a mountain)
(exp) too many cooks spoil the broth (lit: too many captains will steer the ship up a mountain)
(exp) take a long walk off a short pier
go stick your head in a pig
lit: bash your head against the corner of a block of tofu and die