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Compounds of 鹿

  • (n) brown (horse coat color)
  • (n) Formosan sika
    Taiwan sika (Cervus nippon taiouanus)
  • (n) giant fallow deer (extinct)
  • (n,adj-na,adj-no) extreme foolishness
    utter fool
  • (n) (uk) sika
    sika deer
    Cervus nippon (deer native to east Asia)
  • (adv) ridiculously
  • (n) (uk) Mactra chinensis (species of trough shell)
  • (n) clearance hole (hole for a bolt, screw, etc., which is large enough to allow the thread, etc. to pass through)
  • (n) stupid person
  • (n) foolish face
    stupid look on one's face
  • (n) great physical power
    animal strength
  • (n) foolish talk
  • (adj-na,n) dimwit
  • (n) musk deer
  • (n) (1) April fool
    (2) April fool's day
  • (n) scholar who knows but little of the ways of the world
  • (n) skilled engineer (mechanic) who is clumsy in all other matters
    person who gets a great kick out of tinkering with anything mechanical
  • (n) Kerama deer
    Ryukyu sika (Cervus nippon keramae)
  • (n) (uk) (obsc) Chinese muntjac (species of barking deer, Muntiacus reevesi)
  • (n) (1) April fool
    (2) April fool's day
  • (n) Kagoshima prefecture (Kyuushuu)
  • (n) person who is ignorant outside his field
  • (n) great (utter) fool
    complete idiot
    absolute moron
  • (n) the aim (in a campaign)
  • (n) a fishing enthusiast
  • (n) (uk) Japanese serow
    Capricornis crispus
  • (adj-f) absurd
  • (v1,vi) to look foolish
  • (int) (col) idiot!
  • (exp) phenomenon that perfect reasoning fail if an idiot cannot understand
