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ああ ああ
Word or expression in common usage
adverb (fukushi)
  • like that (used for something or someone distant from both speaker and listener)
  • so
唖々 ああDictionary
adverb (fukushi)
  • caw (cry of a crow, etc.)
唖唖 ああDictionary
adverb (fukushi)
  • caw (cry of a crow, etc.)
於戯 ああDictionary
interjection (kandoushi)
  • Ah!
  • Oh!
  • Alas!

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Yes
  • Indeed
  • That is correct

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Hey!
  • Yo!

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Uh huh
  • Yeah yeah
  • Right
  • Gotcha
於乎 ああDictionary
interjection (kandoushi)
  • Ah!
  • Oh!
  • Alas!

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Yes
  • Indeed
  • That is correct

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Hey!
  • Yo!

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Uh huh
  • Yeah yeah
  • Right
  • Gotcha
鳴呼 ああDictionary
interjection (kandoushi)
  • Ah!
  • Oh!
  • Alas!

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Yes
  • Indeed
  • That is correct

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Hey!
  • Yo!

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Uh huh
  • Yeah yeah
  • Right
  • Gotcha
interjection (kandoushi)
  • Ah!
  • Oh!
  • Alas!

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Yes
  • Indeed
  • That is correct

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Hey!
  • Yo!

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Uh huh
  • Yeah yeah
  • Right
  • Gotcha
嗚呼 ああDictionary
interjection (kandoushi)
  • Ah!
  • Oh!
  • Alas!

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Yes
  • Indeed
  • That is correct

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Hey!
  • Yo!

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Uh huh
  • Yeah yeah
  • Right
  • Gotcha
interjection (kandoushi)
  • Ah!
  • Oh!
  • Alas!

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Yes
  • Indeed
  • That is correct

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Hey!
  • Yo!

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Uh huh
  • Yeah yeah
  • Right
  • Gotcha
嗟乎 ああDictionary
interjection (kandoushi)
  • Ah!
  • Oh!
  • Alas!

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Yes
  • Indeed
  • That is correct

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Hey!
  • Yo!

interjection (kandoushi)
  • Uh huh
  • Yeah yeah
  • Right
  • Gotcha


  • 【間投】ai〔悩み、嘆き、驚きなどの感情を表す。〕
  • alas〔悲しみ、悲痛を表して〕
  • ay〈文〉〔ay me の形で用いられ、悩みや後悔の念を表す。〕
  • bejabbers / bejesus〔驚きや怒りを表す◆by Jesus の婉曲表現〕
  • lawd〈俗〉〔興奮・悲嘆などを表す。〕
  • oh〔驚きや感動を表す〕
  • wirra〔悲嘆を表す〕
  • yeah 【副】yup〈話〉〔返答としての yes のくだけた言い方。〕


  • Japanese ああ、凄く変だなあ・・・。
  • Japaneseああ!」は感嘆詞だ。
  • Japanese 「・・・おい・・・おい、先生!」「え?・・・あ、ああ」「マジだいじょうぶ?休講にしたら?」
    English "...Hey...Hey, teacher!" "Eh? Oh." "Are you really OK? Shouldn't you cancel the lesson?"
  • Japanese ああそうそう、コメント欄のバグは文字間を調節するletter-spacingタグを使うと起こるものだったみたい。
    English Oh, while I remember, it seems that that was a bug that occurs when you use the comment field's 'letter-spacing' tag which adjusts the tracking.
  • Japanese ああ、そうそう! 滅多にっていうか、ほとんど使用したことがないコンドームを使いました。
  • Japanese ああ、オレも実際、こうして目の当たりにするまでは半信半疑だったが・・・。
    English Yes, truthfully, until it was right in front of me like this, I half-doubted it ...
  • Japanese ああでも安心してくれ。オレ、ノンケのコには手を出さないから。
    English Oh, but don't worry. I don't put the moves on straight guys.
  • Japanese 「私も頂いていいですか」「ああ、勿論構わないよ、今日は会社持ちだからね」
    English "May I have one as well?" "Yes, certainly. Today's on the company after all."
  • Japanese 「具合はどうなんですか?」「ああ、うん・・・少し脱水症状が出ているかな」
    English "How is it?" "Well, yes ... could be some signs of dehydration."
  • Japaneseああ・・・ちょっと、体調が優れなくて」「そうなんだ。大丈夫か?」「うふふ。実はズル休みなんです」
    English "Ah ... I'm just not feeling so well" "Really? Are you OK?" "Heh-heh. Actually I'm playing hooky."
  • Japaneseああ、これが愚息のタカシね」「え、は・はい。〈故〉タカシ君ですね!」「フーちゃんまだ死んでないよ!たぶん」
    English "Ah, this is my idiot son Takashi" "Eh-er, yes. (The late) Takashi, right?" "Fuusy, he isn't dead yet! Probably."
  • Japanese 車?ああ・・・あのリムジンでしたら、私がチャーターした物ですわ。
    English Car? Ah, if you mean that limousine, - I chartered it.
  • Japanese なんか誰かに雰囲気似てるなあと思ってましたが、言われてみてああそうそうですね。確かにZZ TOPってこういう感じでしたよね。
    English I had a nagging feeling that the atmosphere resembled somebody and, now that you mention it, yes, you're right. Certainly ZZ TOP had this kind of feel.
  • Japanese ああ、男に二言はない。でも手伝うだけだからな。美咲もやれよ。
    English Yes, a man is as good as his word. But I'll just be helping, you understand. You'll have to work too.
  • Japanese ああ、多分この県道まっすぐで・・・。
    English Ah, I reckon you go straight down this prefectural road ...
  • Japanese ああ、もしかして名前を呼ばれるのが恥ずかしいって?
    English Ah, could it be you're embarrassed to be called by your first name?
  • Japanese 彼女はああでもないこうでもないと悩んだ。
    English She was at a loss for what to do.
  • Japanese 彼女に疲れているのかと聞かれて彼は「ああ」といった。
  • Japanese 彼らはああいった原始的な道具を使っていた。
    English They used those primitive tools.
  • Japanese 彼は同僚がミスをするとああでもないこうでもないとうるさく言う癖があるみたいだ。
    English He seems to have a habit of getting on his coworker's back when he makes a mistake.

