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mercari beeant


かしら かしら
Word or expression in common usage
  • I wonder
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • head

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • top

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • hair (on one's head)

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • top structural component of a kanji


  • bull of the woods〈米俗〉


  • Japanese その答えを知るのにあなたは本当にその質問をする必要があるのかしら
  • Japanese はぁ・・・(汗)、それでコンタクトは取れるようになったのかしら・・・?
  • Japanese どれくらいかかるのかしら
  • Japanese 私はもっと敵の抵抗があると踏んでたんだけど、むしろ中枢に進むほど敵が減ってきてる・・・。おかしいと思わないかしら
    English I had expected stronger resistance from the enemy but if anything there are less of them as we advance to the centre... Don't you think that's strange?
  • Japanese 同性をセクハラで訴えることできないのかしら
  • Japanese テニスウェアってなんでミニスカートなのかしら
  • Japanese 蓮くんは察しは良い様だけど、もう少し心の機微というものを理解出来る様に努力するべきじゃないかしら
    English You're considerate, but don't you think you should work a little more at understanding the subtleties of the human mind?
  • Japanese ・・・はぁ、どう状況を受け止めればいいのかしら
    English ... Aaah, just how am I supposed to cope with this I wonder?
  • Japanese 馬や羊が放牧されてて、牧羊犬もいるわ。一度訪ねてみてはどうかしら
    English Sheep and horses are set out to pasture, there are sheepdogs too. How about giving it a visit once?
  • Japanese ロビンは口が肥えて贅沢になったのかしら
    English Perhaps the robin's got a taste for the finer things in life and has become extravagant.
  • Japanese おはよう。ご飯をよそっても良いかしら
    English Morning. Shall I dish up?
  • Japanese 「ん~~・・・迎え酒でもしようかしら」「ちょっとやめてよ。ほら、今朝は焼き魚を作ったから。これだったら食べられるでしょ」
    English "Mmmmn ... maybe I'll have a hair of the dog." "Whoa, hold up a mo! Here, I cooked roast fish for this morning. You ought to be able to eat this OK."
  • Japanese 離婚するんじゃないかしら
    English I think she will divorce him.
  • Japanese 有名人と知り合うチャンスがあるかしら
    English Do you think we'll get a chance to rub shoulders with any celebrities?
  • Japanese 明日は晴れるかしら
  • Japanese 明日は雨が降るかしら
  • Japanese 明日は雨かしら
    English I wonder if it will rain tomorrow.
  • Japanese 明日のお天気どうかしら
    English I wonder what the weather will be tomorrow.
  • Japanese 富士山は春にはどんなかしら
    English I can't picture what Mt. Fuji looks like in the spring.
  • Japanese 彼女は誰かしら
    English I wonder who she is.

