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noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
noun, used as a suffix
  • previous
  • prior
  • former
  • some time ago
  • preceding

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
noun, used as a suffix
  • point (e.g. pencil)
  • tip
  • end
  • nozzle

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
noun, used as a suffix
  • head (of a line)
  • front

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
noun, used as a suffix
  • ahead
  • the other side

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
noun, used as a suffix
  • the future
  • hereafter

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
noun, used as a suffix
  • destination

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
noun, used as a suffix
  • the other party
Word or expression in common usage
noun, used as a prefix
  • the last (i.e. immediately preceding) (e.g. "the last mayor")
  • previous
  • one-time
  • former

Word or expression in common usage
noun, used as a prefix
  • pre- (e.g. "premodern")

  • before
  • earlier
Word or expression in common usage
adverbial noun (fukushitekimeishi)
noun (temporal) (jisoumeishi)
  • ago
  • before (some event)
  • previously

  • privates
  • private parts


    • onyomiゼン
    • kunyomiまえ-まえ
    • meaningin front; before


  • Japanese 恐い話が聞きたいなら、数週間に私が見た夢のことを話してあげるよ。
  • Japanese 「以にどこかで会ったことがありませんか」とその学生はたずねた。
  • Japanese 3年に東京へ来て以来ここに住んでいる。
  • Japanese 最初着るに洗濯してください。
  • Japanese 私はいつも思っていた、心筋梗塞を患うことは死期を知らせる兆だと。
  • Japanese 私の名はジャックです。
  • Japanese あなたの名は?
  • Japanese の歯医者さんに、たばこをやめるなら、ヤニ取りしてあげる・・・といわれたそうです。
    English He said that his previous dentist told him that he'd remove nicotine stains if he stopped smoking.
  • Japanese 髪が、おでこにかからないように髪を上げることをおすすめします。
    English I recommend putting up your hair so your fringe doesn't get on your forehead.
  • Japanese 「親父これって・・・真剣?」「当たりだろう、決闘なのだからな」
  • Japanese 私自身も、当社に入社するの会社では、2度ほどトップに直言した経験があります。
    English I myself have, before becoming employed by this company, twice spoken bluntly to the people at the top.
  • Japaneseはタバコを吸い、かなりのヘビースモーカーでした。
    English I used to smoke, I was quite a heavy smoker.
  • Japanese そこに赤井選手も加わり、ゴールは混戦模様となった。
    English There Akai joins them and it becomes a free-for-all in front of the finish line.
  • Japanese さらに、横から見ると、歯は出っ歯の状態にあります。
    English Moreover, when viewed from the side, the front teeth are protruding.
  • Japanese 二輪車が倒れずに走行するのには輪が大きな役割を演じています。
    English The front wheel plays an important role in two-wheeled vehicles moving without falling over.
  • Japanese だが、レーガン政権と最高裁判所に潰されるでさえ、OSHAは茶番であった。
    English Even before Reagan and the Supreme Court stifled it, OSHA was a farce.
  • Japanese その夜以、彼らの間に悪感情は決してなかった。
    English There had never been any ill-feeling between them until that night.
  • Japanese 初めから果敢にへ出て圧倒し、体勢を崩した相手を押し出した。
    English He resolutely pushed forward from the start, overwhelming and pushing out his off-balance opponent.
  • Japanese 4.煮え立たせる寸で弱火にして、もう一度灰汁を取り除きます。
    English 4. Just before bringing it to the boil, set to a low flame and remove the scum again.
  • Japanese 最近、以からある痔が痛みます。
    English Recently my haemorrhoids, which I've had from before, are painful.



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