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商売 しょうばい
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
  • trade
  • business
  • commerce
  • transaction
  • occupation


  • commerce
  • dodge〈英俗〉
  • line
  • mystery〈古〉
  • pidgin〈英話〉
  • traffic
  • vocation



  • Japanese やりがいはあるけれどもリスクと労働時間を考えると・・・、ものすごく損な商売なのかもしれませんね。
    English It's a job worth doing, but if I think about the working hours and the risk ... I could be onto a real losing proposition here.
  • Japanese 30過ぎての商売替えは大変だからしたくないのですけれどね。
    English Well it's very difficult changing jobs after you're thirty so I don't really want to do it.
  • Japanese 商売の取引を日を追って記録している。
    English I keep a daily record of my business dealings.
  • Japanese いいのよ。いままで実のないブランド品を高く売りつけて暴利をむさぼってきたんだから。今後せいぜい良心的な商売にはげめばいいんだわ。
    English Never mind that. After all up till now he's stuffed himself on huge profit selling high brand-name goods of no real worth. From now on he can just try his best at honest trade.
  • Japanese 文字はそれが半ば商売、半ば芸術であるとき最高に栄える。
    English Literature flourishes best when it is half a trade and half an art.
  • Japanese 父親が引退すると彼は商売を継いだ。
    English On his father's retirement he took over the business.
  • Japanese 不景気な夏の期間が過ぎると、商売は活気づいた。
    English After a slow summer season, business began to pick up.
  • Japanese 不況で私の商売は上がったりだ。
    English My business is at a standstill because of the recession.
  • Japanese 彼女は商売を成功させた。
    English She guided her business to success.
  • Japanese 彼女の商売はうまくいくと思う。
    English I figure that she will succeed in her business.
  • Japanese 彼らは商売に抜け目がない。
    English They are shrewd in trade.
  • Japanese 彼は立派な商売を築きあげた。
    English He has built up an excellent business.
  • Japanese 彼は父親の商売を受け継がなくてはならない。
    English He must succeed to his father's business.
  • Japanese 彼は父からその商売を引き継いだ。
    English He took over the business from his father.
  • Japanese 彼は独立して商売を始めた。
    English He went into business on his own account.
  • Japanese 彼は東京で10年間商売をしていた。
  • Japanese 彼は大阪でささやかな商売をしています。
    English He carries on a small business in Osaka.
  • Japanese 彼は息子を商売につかせた。
    English He established his son in trade.
  • Japanese 彼は息子に商売を譲った。
    English He turned over the business to his son.
  • Japanese 彼は新商売で荒稼ぎをした。
    English He made a killing in his new business.

