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mercari beeant


散漫 さんまん
Word or expression in common usage
adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • vague
  • desultory
  • distracted
  • loose
  • half-hearted
  • diffuse


    • onyomiサン
    • kunyomiち.るち.らす-ち.らすち.らかすち.らかるち.らばるばらばら.ける
    • meaningscatter; disperse; spend; squander
    • onyomiマン
    • kunyomiみだり.にそぞ.ろ
    • meaningcartoon; involuntarily; unrestrained; in spite of oneself; corrupt


  • Japanese 寝不足だと注意が散漫になりがちです。
    English When you lack sleep, you are apt to be careless.
  • Japanese 19世紀になる英語圏の国ではマスターベーションにより、記憶力が弱まる、注意力が散漫になるとよく言われていた。
    English In the English world of the 19th century, it was often said that masturbation would lead to a loss of memory and attention.
  • Japanese この志望理由書は、論旨の展開に一貫性が無く、散漫な印象です。
    English This statement-of-purpose essay has no consistency in how the points are laid out and gives a distracted impression.
  • Japanese 自動車事故の多くが、ドライバーの注意散漫が原因で起きている。
    English Most car accidents occur due to the inattention of the driver.
  • Japanese 今度の新入社員は揃いも揃って注意力が散漫で、仕事がミスだらけで全く閉口する。
    English This year's freshly inducted employees are, to a man, lacking in concentration, and their sloppy work leaves me speechless.



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