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えに えにし
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • fate
  • destiny (esp. as a mysterious force that binds two people together)

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • relationship (e.g. between two people)
  • bond
  • link
  • connection

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • family ties
  • affinity
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • fate
  • destiny (esp. as a mysterious force that binds two people together)

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • relationship (e.g. between two people)
  • bond
  • link
  • connection

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • family ties
  • affinity

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • opportunity
  • chance (to meet someone and start a relationship)

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • pratyaya (indirect conditions, as opposed to direct causes)

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • narrow open-air veranda
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • edge
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • edge
  • tip
  • margin
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • related to (some place)
  • affinity
  • connection
out-dated or obsolete kana usage
  • something to rely on
  • aid
  • clue
  • way
  • means

out-dated or obsolete kana usage
  • someone to rely on
  • relative

out-dated or obsolete kana usage
  • reminder
  • memento
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • something to rely on
  • aid
  • clue
  • way
  • means

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • someone to rely on
  • relative

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • reminder
  • memento


  • bond
  • border
  • brim
  • curb
  • edging
  • emotional ties
  • frame
  • fringe
  • hem
  • limbus《医》
  • marge
  • margin
  • margo〈ラテン語〉
  • rim


    • onyomiエン-ネン
    • kunyomiふちふちど.るゆかりよすがへりえにし
    • meaningaffinity; relation; connection; edge; border; verge; brink


  • Japanese 軟木の絶された部屋およびよいヒーターはサウナのための絶対必要である。
    English An insulated soft-wood room and a good heater are the absolute necessities for a sauna.
  • Japanese 正直なところ、その当時の僕は血がどうとか、続柄がどうとか、そういう話はまるで理解出来ちゃいなかった。
    English Truthfully, at that time, I didn't have the first idea about such talk: family links, blood relations or whatever.
  • Japanese 戸籍上のは切れても、昔日の絆はそのままだ。
    English Our connection may be cut on paper but the bonds of old remain as they were.
  • Japanese 現代の日本で錬金術といえば、比喩的にしか使われない。モラルや羞恥心と無の政治屋や宗教家が、不正な手段でカネもうけをするときに。
    English In present day Japan, "alchemy" is only used metaphorically; to refer to improper means of making money by politicians or religious hucksters with no morals or shame.
  • Japanese このお庭の方にね。台を出して客席を増やしたいんです。こんな感じに。
    English In the garden, you know. I'd like to put out benches and increase the customer seating. Like this ...
  • Japanese お庭の方にも台を並べれば、かなり座席数を確保できそうだなーと思いました。
    English I thought that if we lined up benches in the garden as well, we could achieve quite a seating capacity.
  • Japanese 48歳の川勝良一監督はことし6月に福岡を引き継いだが、46歳の松田監督とは因浅からぬ関係だ。
    English The 48-year-old Ryouichi Kawakatsu took over as coach at Fukuoka in June this year, but his fate is closely linked with that of 46-year-old Matsuda.
  • Japanese 腐れと思ってあきらめる。
    English Make the best of one's lot with fatal resignation.
  • Japanese 彼女は随分前に家族とを切った。
    English She broke with her family long ago.
  • Japanese 彼らは水瓶をまで一杯にした。
    English So they filled them to the brim.
  • Japanese 彼は街頭で買った絵を額に入れた。
    English He framed the picture he had bought on the street.
  • Japanese 彼はその事件とまったく無ではない。
    English He is involved in the case a little.
  • Japanese 彼はその一族にがある。
    English He is related to the family.
  • Japanese 彼はスージーとを切った。
    English He has done with Susie.
  • Japanese 彼の肖像画は装飾の施された額にはめられた。
    English His portrait was mounted in the fancy frame.
  • Japanese 猫はトラと近である。
    English Cats are related to tigers.
  • Japanese 南諸島のコミュニティの中にはまったくの正反対の血関係のパターンが観察されるであろう。
    English A diametrically opposed kinship pattern is to be observed among certain South Sea Island communities.
  • Japanese 当時、貧乏は彼らにとっては無なものと思われた。
    English Poverty seemed to have nothing to do with them in those days.
  • Japanese 男の子が石の方へカートをゆっくり押しやっている。
    English A boy is taking his sweet time pushing the cart toward the curb.
  • Japanese 早くこの世を去ったのも彼女の因だ。

