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mercari beeant


あも かちん もちい
out-dated or obsolete kana usage
  • (uk) sticky rice cake
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • mochi rice cake
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • sticky rice cake


  • (sticky) rice cake


    • onyomiヘイヒョウ
    • kunyomiもちもちい
    • meaningmochi rice cake


  • Japanese 屋は餅屋。
    English A specialist has his own strength.
  • Japanese は餅屋。
    English Every man to his trade.
  • Japanese 彼はをすっかり食べたわけではない。
    English He didn't eat all of the rice cakes.
  • Japanese 棚からぼたとはこのこと。
    English This is what they call a lucky break.
  • Japanese 君の夢一杯のビジネスプラン、絵に描いたにならんことを切に望むよ。
    English This business plan of yours seems almost too optimistic. All I can say is I hope it's more than just wishful thinking.
  • Japanese 絵に書いたは食べられない。
    English Never confuse art with life.
  • Japanese 牡丹で腰打つ。「諺」
    English His bread is buttered on both sides.
  • Japanese あらやだ、このお煎もう湿気ってる。
    English Yecch. This rice cracker is soggy.
  • Japanese 日本ではお正月におを食べる習慣があります。
    English There is a custom of eating rice cakes for New Year's in Japan.
  • Japaneseは中国菓子の一です。
    English Geppei – that’s one of the Chinese candy.
  • Japaneseは中国菓子の一つです。
    English Geppei – that’s one of the Chinese candy.
  • Japanese いいえ、お団子はおではありません。
    English No, a dango is not a mochi.
  • Japanese ズズのカフェでを食べてコーヒーを飲みます。

