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駅に着く えきにつく
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
  • to arrive at the station



  • Japanese あなたが駅に着くのにどのくらいかかりますか。
  • Japanese 列車は昼までに駅に着くだろう。
    English The train will probably arrive at the station before noon.
  • Japanese 父は5時に駅に着く予定だ。
    English My father is arriving at the station at five.
  • Japanese 彼らが駅に着くと、列車はすでに発車していた。
    English When they got to the station, the train had already left.
  • Japanese 松山駅に着くとすぐにおじさんの呼ぶ声が聞こえた。
    English He called up his uncle as soon as he got to Matsuyama.
  • Japanese 私はあなたより先に駅に着くことができる。
    English I can beat you to the station.
  • Japanese 私たちが駅に着くやいなや雨が降り始めた。
    English No sooner had we reached the station than it began to rain.
  • Japanese 私が駅に着く前に列車は出てしまった。
    English The train left before I arrived at the station.
  • Japanese 私が駅に着くやいなや汽車は出た。
    English I had no sooner reached the station than the train started.
  • Japanese 私が駅に着くと、列車は今にも発車しかけていた。
    English The train was on the point of leaving when I got to the station.
  • Japanese 君は何時に駅に着くの。
    English What time will you get to the station?
  • Japanese 我々は正午に東京駅に着くだろう。
    English We will get to Tokyo Station at noon.
  • Japanese 駅に着く前に列車は発車していた。
    English The train started before we got to the station.
  • Japanese 駅に着くと同時に彼女は母に電話した。
    English The moment she arrived at the station, she phoned her mother.
  • Japanese 駅に着くとすぐ友達に電話した。
    English On arriving at the station, I called a friend of mine.
  • Japanese 駅に着くとすぐ彼女は母に電話をかけた。
    English On arriving at the station, she rang up her mother.
  • Japanese 駅に着くとすぐ、彼はタクシーを呼んだ。
  • Japanese その列車は正午前に駅に着くでしょう。
    English The train will arrive at the station before noon.
  • Japanese この道をいけば駅に着く
    English This road leads to the station.
  • Japanese 駅に着くのにどのくらいかかりますか。
    English How long does it take to get to the station?

