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がる がるDictionary
Godan verb with `ru' ending
  • to feel (on adj-stem to represent a third party's apparent emotion)

Godan verb with `ru' ending
  • to behave as if one were
ガル ガルDictionary
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • gal (unit of gravitational acceleration)
刈る かるDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to cut (hair)
  • to mow (grass)
  • to harvest
  • to clip
  • to shear
  • to reap
  • to trim
  • to prune
苅る かるDictionary
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to cut (hair)
  • to mow (grass)
  • to harvest
  • to clip
  • to shear
  • to reap
  • to trim
  • to prune
駆る かるDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to drive (car)
  • to spur on
  • to impel
借る かるDictionary
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to borrow
  • to have a loan

Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to rent
  • to hire
狩る かるDictionary
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to hunt (e.g. animals)
  • to go looking for (e.g. flowers, etc.)
  • to gather (e.g. mushrooms)
  • to pick (e.g. fruit)


  • Japanese 欲しいものがみつかると、決まって高いものだ。
  • Japanese 君には何が起こるか分かるんじゃないかと思うけどね。
  • Japanese 君が次に分かることは君が新聞に載るってことだ。
  • Japanese 君がロボットではないってことは分かる
  • Japanese どれくらいかかるのかしら。
  • Japanese 技術が追いつくまでに5年はかかるだろう。
  • Japanese 歯医者で歯についたたばこのヤニを取ってもらうと、費用はどれくらいかかるでしょう?
    English About how much does it cost to have a dentist remove cigarette tar from your teeth?
  • Japanese そこそこ腕が立つようになるにはどれくらいの時間がかかるものでしょうか?
    English How long does it take to get reasonably skilled?
  • Japanese 健康は失われて有難味がわかる点において、親や水・空気と同じようなものです。
    English As far as knowing health's worth once you've lost it goes, that's the same thing with parents, water or air.
  • Japanese 訴訟リスクの高さも産科医にのしかかる
    English Obstetricians also bear a high risk of suits.
  • Japanese 変換にはかなりの時間がかかる
    English It takes a long time to convert.
  • Japanese 性能的には問題なかったんだけど、一体あたりにかかる費用があまりにも膨大で、コストパフォーマンスが悪いということでね。
    English There was nothing wrong with their ability, it was just that the expense for each unit was so vast that the cost performance was bad.
  • Japaneseかるべき時期にお支払いいたしました。
    English I paid at the appropriate time.
  • Japanese ウェブサイトのタグラインは、その企業が何を行っていて、競合他社とどこが違うのかがわかるようなものでなくてはならない。
    English The website's tagline has to let people know what that business does and how it differs from the competition.
  • Japanese 暗闇の中、俺は遠ざかる後姿に必死に手を伸ばす。
    English In the darkness, I frantically reach out towards the receding figure.
  • Japanese 日本人離れしたこの美しい相貌からもわかるように、優奈は実は生粋の日本人じゃない。西洋人をおばあちゃんに持つ、クォーターだったりする。
    English As you can also tell from these beautiful, far from Japanese, looks, Yuna is not pure-blood Japanese. She's a quarter-blood with a westerner as grandmother.
  • Japanese 車がぬかるみに填まり込んだ。
    English The car was stuck in the mud.
  • Japanese 社長は話の分かるタイプの人だ。
    English The president is a down-to-earth kind of man.
  • Japanese 恵子はいつもグースカ寝てるじゃないか。食事を楽しんで貰いたい気持ちは分かるが、そんな慌てるな。
    English Don't you always sleep like a log yourself? I can understand your feelings of wanting them to enjoy their meal but don't be in such a rush.
  • Japanese 競馬で稼ぐ!ありえないほど儲かる競馬ノウハウ集!
    English Earn money on the races! Know-how collection on horse racing will have you raking it in!



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