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キル キルDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • kill
斬る きるDictionary
Godan verb with `ru' ending
  • to kill (a human) using a blade (sword, machete, knife, etc.)
  • to slice (off)
  • to lop (off)
  • to cut (off)
切る きるDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to cut (usu. to cut through)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to sever (connections, ties)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to turn off (i.e. the light)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to terminate (i.e. a conversation)
  • to hang up (the phone)
  • to disconnect

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to punch (a ticket)
  • to tear off (a stub)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to open (something sealed)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to start

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to set (a limit)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to reduce
  • to decrease
  • to discount

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to shake off (water, etc.)
  • to let drip-dry (or drain)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to cross

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to do (something noticeable)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to turn (a vehicle)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to cut (the ball)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to shuffle (cards)

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to trump

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to isolate (an opponent's stone)

  • to finish
  • to complete
着る きるDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
  • to wear (in modern Japanese, from the shoulders down)
  • to put on

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
  • to bear (guilt, etc.)
著る きるDictionary
Ichidan verb
  • to wear (in modern Japanese, from the shoulders down)
  • to put on

Ichidan verb
  • to bear (guilt, etc.)
伐る きるDictionary
Godan verb with `ru' ending
  • to cut down (e.g. trees)
剪る きるDictionary
Godan verb with `ru' ending
  • to cut
  • to prune
  • to trim (branches, leaves, flowers, etc.)
截る きるDictionary
Godan verb with `ru' ending
  • to cut (e.g. cloth)
鑽る きるDictionary
Godan verb with `ru' ending
transitive verb
  • to start a fire (with wood-wood friction or by striking metal against stone)


  • Japaneseきるよ!
  • Japanese それは誰にでもできるというものではない。
  • Japanese 私が何をしようと彼女はもっとうまくできると言うんだ。
  • Japanese 僕は彼女無しに生きる術を学んだ。
  • Japanese 私たちは兄弟として共に生きることを知らなければならない。さもなくば、愚か者として共に滅びるであろう。
  • Japanese 何か私にできることがありましたらお知らせ下さい。
  • Japanese 90歳以上生きることは決してまれではない。
  • Japanese 電話はどこでできる
  • Japanese 自転車は都会の環境を破壊することなく資源利用を持続することのできる道具である。
  • Japanese 過去は知られているが変えられない。未来は未知だが変えることができる
  • Japanese 鍵となる問題は何を得ることができるかではなく、何を失わなければならないかである。
  • Japanese 窓から日が沈むのを見ることができるだろう。
  • Japanese 私はひざを曲げずに両方の手のひらを床に付けることができる
  • Japanese 私はこのプロジェクトに参加できることを誇りに思います。
  • Japanese パックマンが、ある条件を満たすと追ってくるモンスターを逆襲して食べることができる
    English Pac-Man, when a certain condition is reached, can counter attack and eat the monsters chasing him.
  • Japanese 実施設計とは基本設計で決まった計画を、工事ができる図面に書く作業です。
    English Detailed design is the work of drawing up a diagram that is capable of being manufactured from the plan set in the baseline design.
  • Japanese ペットロスとは、ペットを失った飼い主に起きるショックや怒りなどの反応をいう。
    English "Pet loss" refers to the reactions of shock and anger that occur in owners who have been bereaved of their pets.
  • Japanese 休日を除き3日以内にお届けできるケースがほとんどです。
    English In most cases, we can deliver within three business days.
  • Japanese 一般に利用できる英日2言語コーパスを作成した。
    English We created a freely available English-Japanese bilingual corpus.
  • Japanese よちよち歩きの幼児でもできるのだから家族で楽しんでいただきたい。
    English Even toddlers can do it, so I'd like you to enjoy yourselves as a family.



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                            会員限定になりました。Laudate | 女子パウロ会公式サイトマーケティングで人工知能が活きる領域、人間のクリエイティビティが活きる領域個性を尊重する社風だから活きるAstroStagioneBene 星と季節と共に活きる6月1日(土)の星予報
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