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ずく ずくDictionary
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • putting oneself into something
  • exerting oneself
直ぐ すぐDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
adverb (fukushi)
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • immediately
  • at once
  • directly

Word or expression in common usage
adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
adverb (fukushi)
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • soon
  • before long
  • shortly

Word or expression in common usage
adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
adverb (fukushi)
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • easily
  • without difficulty

Word or expression in common usage
adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
adverb (fukushi)
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • right (near)
  • nearby
  • just (handy)


  • just now


  • Japanese すぐに戻ります。
  • Japanese すぐに諦めて昼寝をするかも知れない。
  • Japanese 答えが分かったんだ、でもあまりにすぐに分かったものだから正解であるはずがないんだ。
  • Japanese もうすぐ授業が再開する。
  • Japanese すぐに伝票をお持ちします。
  • Japanese せっかく採用した派遣社員がすぐに辞めてしまった。
    English The temporary workers that we managed to employ left work right away.
  • Japanese 薬を飲み始めると、すぐに痛みなどの症状はとれてきますが、すぐに潰瘍がなおるわけではありません。
    English When you start taking medicine it begins working on symptoms, like pain, right away, but that doesn't mean that the ulcer heals right away.
  • Japanese すぐに集中力を無くしてしまった。
    English I immediately lost my concentration.
  • Japanese 大寒:1年で最も寒さが厳しくなる日ですが、春がもうすぐ間近に迫っているとも言えます。
    English Major Cold: It's the day of the year that the cold is most severe, but you could also say that Spring is just coming around the corner.
  • Japanese 訂正しろ、今すぐ
    English Take that back, right now!
  • Japanese 3.電話をかけても、アナウンス等に従って操作したりせず、すぐに切ること。
    English 3. If you do phone then hang up immediately, without following any instructions given.
  • Japanese ねえ蓮、お姉さんが手をつないであげようか?キミは毎年すぐにはぐれちゃうもんね。
    English By the way, Ren. Should I take your hand? Every year you wander off.
  • Japanese 私の子供達はもうすぐ春休みです。
    English My kids have their spring break soon.
  • Japanese 強面の変なセールスだったらすぐアタシを呼びなさいね、追い返してやるから。
    English If it's an aggressive strange salesman, then call me right away. I'll chase him off.
  • Japanese この車はもうすぐスクラップだ。
    English This car will soon have to go for scrap.
  • Japanese お子さんが車をおりたらすぐに車を出してください。
    English Please drive off as soon as your child has left the car.
  • Japanese えへへへ、私は運痴だから、ちょっと走ると、すぐに脇腹が痛くなっちゃうの。
    English He-heh-heh, I'm terrible at sports so if I run a while my sides hurt right away.
  • Japanese いよいよ薄暮、もうすぐ宵闇。
    English It's getting more and more shadowy, soon it will be twilight.
  • Japanese ああ、多分この県道まっすぐで・・・。
    English Ah, I reckon you go straight down this prefectural road ...
  • Japanese 放射線を大量に浴びたら、すぐに嘔吐と下痢が始まります。
    English After being exposed to a large amount of radiation, vomiting and diarrhea will start quickly.



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