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左右 とかくDictionary
adverb (fukushi)
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
  • various things

  • somehow or other
  • anyhow
  • anyway
兎角 とかくDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
adverb (fukushi)
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
  • various things

  • rabbit horns (used as a metaphor for things that do not exist)


  • Japanese 面と向かって誉めるような人は、とかく陰で悪口を言うものだ。
    English Such men as praise you to your face are apt to speak ill of you behind your back.
  • Japanese 男の子はとかく危険を冒すものだ。
    English Boys will run risks.
  • Japanese 人はとかく自分は欠点がないと考えがちである。事実をありのままに述べなさい。
    English One is apt to think oneself faultless. State the facts as they are.
  • Japanese 人はとかく自分の欠点に気が付かないものだ。
    English People often don't notice their own faults.
  • Japanese 若い人はとかくそんなふうに行動するものだ。
    English Young people are apt to behave that way.
  • Japanese 事故はとかく起こりがちなもの。
    English Accidents will happen.
  • Japanese 私たちはとかく怠惰になりがちである。
    English We are liable to be lazy.
  • Japanese 寒い季節に入ると、体の弱い人はとかく風邪を引きやすい。
    English Those who are delicate in health are apt to catch a cold when the cold season sets in.
  • Japanese 学のある人はとかく無知な人を軽蔑する。
    English The learned are apt to despise the ignorant.
  • Japanese 運動が健康の鍵であるのを私たちはとかく忘れがちだ。
    English We tend to forget that exercise is a key to good health.
  • Japanese とかくするうちに年が明けた。
    English A new year began meanwhile.
  • Japanese ティーカップの入っている小包には取り扱い注意とかくべきです。
    English You should write HANDLE WITH CARE on the parcel that contains the teacups.
  • Japanese あの人にはとかくのうわさがあった。
    English There were some unsavory rumors about him.
  • Japanese 自分の母語で自然な表現をするのはたやすいが、母語以外の言語ではとかく不自然な表現になりやすい。
    English It's very easy to sound natural in your own native language, and very easy to sound unnatural in your non-native language.



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