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noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • woven mat (esp. one made of straw)

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • seat
irregular okurigana usage
  • rather
  • better
  • instead
寧ろ むしろDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
adverb (fukushi)
  • rather
  • better
  • instead
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • woven mat (esp. one made of straw)

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • seat
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • woven mat (esp. one made of straw)

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • seat
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • woven mat (esp. one made of straw)

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • seat


  • as soon as not 【副】first


  • Japanese 私はもっと敵の抵抗があると踏んでたんだけど、むしろ中枢に進むほど敵が減ってきてる・・・。おかしいと思わないかしら?
    English I had expected stronger resistance from the enemy but if anything there are less of them as we advance to the centre... Don't you think that's strange?
  • Japanese むしろロン毛のほうが禿げやすいって聞いたぞ。
    English In fact, I've heard that long hair is more likely to go bald!
  • Japanese 歴史家の役割は資料の発見や分類よりも、むしろその解釈と説明にある。
    English The role of the historian is less to discover and catalog documents than to interpret and explain them.
  • Japanese 率直に言えば、彼は愛国者というよりはむしろ偽善者だ。
    English Frankly speaking, he is more of a hypocrite than a patriot.
  • Japanese 率直に言うと、彼は作家というよりはむしろ批評家だ。
    English To put it frankly, he is a critic rather than a writer.
  • Japanese 問題は費用よりもむしろ時間だ。
    English The problem is not so much the cost as the time.
  • Japanese 問題は費用よりむしろ時間だ。
    English The problem is not so much the cost as the time.
  • Japanese 問題は、その本質よりもむしろ外観である。
    English The question is not so much what it is as how it looks.
  • Japanese 木曜日よりむしろ金曜日においでいただきたい。
    English I would rather you came on Friday than on Thursday.
  • Japanese 明日よりはむしろ今日いきたい。
  • Japanese 母の加減は少しもよくなっていなかった。むしろ悪くなっているようだった。
    English My mother was not feeling any better. If anything, she looked worse.
  • Japanese 貧困は家庭を破壊するよりはむしろ団結せしめる。
    English Poverty keeps together more homes than it breaks up.
  • Japanese 飛行機旅行はむしろ経済的だと言う人もいます。
    English Some people say that travel by air is rather economical.
  • Japanese 飛行機はむしろ経済的だと言う人もいる。
  • Japanese 彼女は冷たいよりもむしろ内気なのです。
    English She is more shy than cold.
  • Japanese 彼女は利口というよりむしろ賢明である。
    English She is more wise than clever.
  • Japanese 彼女は美しいというよりはむしろ立派な女だ。
    English She is handsome rather than beautiful.
  • Japanese 彼女は親切というよりはむしろ優しい。
    English She is more gentle than kind.
  • Japanese 彼女は女優というよりはむしろ歌手だ。
    English She is not so much an actress as a singer.
  • Japanese 彼女は歌手というよりむしろ女優だ。
    English She is not so much a singer as an actress.



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