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無理 むりDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
  • unreasonable
  • impossible
  • overdoing


  • Japanese 彼女は行きたくなかったが、彼女の父親はむりやり彼女を行かせた。
    English She did not want to go, but her father made her go.
  • Japanese 彼は目をつむり、腕組みをしたまま、肘掛けいすに座っていた。
    English He was sitting in the armchair, his eyes closed and his arms folded.
  • Japanese 彼はどれだけ一生懸命やっても試験に受かるのはむりだろう。
    English No matter how hard he may work, he will not be able to pass the exams.
  • Japanese 彼の化けの皮をはごうとしたが、むりだった。
    English I tried in vain to catch him out.
  • Japanese 歯医者は私の虫歯をむりやり引き抜いた。
    English The dentist pulled out my decayed tooth by force.
  • Japanese 仕事している時に他人のたばこのけむりを吸うのはいやだ。
    English I don't like to inhale someone's smoke while I'm working.
  • Japanese 絵の中の少女は黄金ではなくて花のかんむりをかぶっています。
    English The girl in the picture is wearing a crown not of gold but of flowers.
  • Japanese むりやりサインをさせられたのなら、その契約は無効です。
    English The contract, if you were forced to sign it, is invalid.
  • Japanese むりやりサインさせられたのなら、その契約は無効です。
    English The contract, if you were forced to sign it, is invalid.
  • Japanese ジョーンズ先生は授業中、いねむりをしたかどで私を叱った。
    English Mr Jones reprimanded me for taking a spot of shut-eye during class.
  • Japanese ジャックはむりやり私をそこへ行かせた。
    English Jack made me go there against my will.
  • Japanese この部屋はとても手狭なので、もうこれ以上家具を置くのはむりだよ。
    English This room is very small, so it is impossible to put more furniture in it.
  • Japanese A spot of shut-eye は、また猫のいねむりともいわれている。猫は1度に2~3分しか寝ない癖があるからだ。
    English "A spot of shut-eye" is also called a cat nap because a cat is in the habit of sleeping only a few minutes at a time.
  • Japanese 大津波による災害のせいで核融合炉は損害をこうむり、原子力発電所が爆発を受けてしまった。
    English Due to the catastrophe caused by the huge tsunami, damage was sustained by the nuclear reactor as well as explosions at the nuclear power plant.



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