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noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • 3.03 m (ten shaku)

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • length
  • height
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • height
  • stature
  • length
  • measure
  • all (one has)
Word or expression in common usage
  • only
  • just
  • as


  • length


    • onyomiジョウ
    • kunyomiたけだけ
    • meaninglength; 10feet; measure; Mr.; Ms.; height; stature; all (one has); only; that's all; merely


  • Japanese 右よ~し、左よ~し・・・、よし。大夫。
    English Right - clear, left - clear..., OK, all clear.
  • Japanese 「めがねなくても大夫なの?」「あ、これ伊達めがねだから、頭よくなるかなと思って」
    English "You're OK without your glasses?" "Ah, these are fake you see, I thought it might make me brainier..."
  • Japanese 「いくら食べても太らない体質だから大夫だ」「今この瞬間世界中の人を敵に回したよ」
    English "My metabolism is such that no matter how much I eat I don't put on weight." "Just now, this second, you've made enemies of people throughout the world."
  • Japanese この先ネタバレ♪大夫な方はドラッグ(反転)して読んでね♪
    English Spoilers ahead! If you don't mind that then read after highlighting (colour inverting).
  • Japanese 「ああ・・・ちょっと、体調が優れなくて」「そうなんだ。大夫か?」「うふふ。実はズル休みなんです」
    English "Ah ... I'm just not feeling so well" "Really? Are you OK?" "Heh-heh. Actually I'm playing hooky."
  • Japanese 「危ないですから、俺が拾いますよ」「大夫だから・・・いたっ!」「ほら、いわんこっちゃない」
    English "That's dangerous, I'll clear it up." "It's OK ... Ouch!" "Look, didn't I tell you so?"
  • Japanese また盛大にすっ転んだな・・・おい、大夫かソフィ?立てるか。
    English That was another impressive fall-flat-on-your-face ... Hey, you alright, Sophie? Can you stand?
  • Japanese 緊急時の飲料水の確保は、大夫ですか?
    English Are you OK for drinking water in an emergency?
  • Japanese このパンって賞味期限大夫か?
    English Is this bread's best-by OK?
  • Japanese夫、君ならジャストフィット間違いないよ。
    English No worries, I'm sure it will be a perfect fit for you!
  • Japanese夫、キミなら出来る!自分を信じて!キミはもう既に立派なスイマーなのよ!
    English It'll be fine, you can do it! Trust yourself! You are already a splendid swimmer!
  • Japanese スケジュールがバッティングしなきゃ大夫です。
    English The schedule's fine as long as nothing clashes.
  • Japanese コートを探してます。背が低いので、は短めで、なるべくすっきりしたデザインのものを。
    English I'm looking for a coat. I'm short so the length should be on the short side, and as refined a design as possible.
  • Japanese あ、とりあえず包帯しているけど、もし煩わしかったら、家に帰ってからカットバンに代えても大夫よ。
    English Ah, well I've bandaged it for the meantime but if that's awkward then it's fine to replace it with a plaster when you get home.
  • Japanese 「だ、大夫?怪我してない?」オズオズと聞いてみる。「あ、うん、大丈夫」
    English "Y-You OK? Not hurt?", I enquire timidly. "Ah, no, I'm fine."
  • Japanese 老人は夫であることが大切である。
    English It is important for old people to stay strong.
  • Japanese 良い子でたいへん夫なのですよ。
  • Japanese 率直に話しても大夫です。
    English You can afford to speak frankly.
  • Japanese 僕は運がいいから大夫だよ。
    English Lady luck is smiling on me, and I'll be fine.
  • Japanese 母は大夫だと言った。
    English My mother said that she was all right.



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