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建築現場 けんちくげんば
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • building (construction) site


  • building site



  • Japanese 建築現場では常にヘルメットを被らなければいけません。
    English On building sites, hard hats must be worn at all times.



C+ONE									2019年のプリツカー賞に、日本建築会の重鎮「磯崎新(いそざきあらた)」氏が、ついに選ばれました。おめでとうございます。脱構築派建築家の代名詞、ダニエル・リベスキンド設計の「現代ユダヤ美術館」モミの木の家Museum ArchitectureJavaScript is not available.想像を遥かに超えた!世界の凄い建築物7選 Frank Gehry Architecture, Organic Architecture, Structure Architecture, Futuristic Architecture, Architecture Project, Contemporary Architecture, Amazing Architecture, Architecture Building, Architecture Design集合住宅松井建築研究所 の オリジナルな 家 ファサード夜景 One Story Homes, Bus Stop, Story House, Gazebo, Roof, Outdoor Structures, Architecture, Outdoor Decor, Home Decor現代 建築現代 建築注目の現代建築と巡る、台湾縦断の旅。【2017トラベル 台湾編】窓をめぐる現代住宅の考察JoshimageswmsSee more & follow http://ohlsson.link/pinterest  Source: kazu721010 Minimalist Architecture, Modern Architecture House, Futuristic Architecture, Modern House Exterior, Residential Architecture, Modern House Design, Architecture Design, Chinese Architecture, Architecture Facts長方形の灰色の建築家、現代、建築、建物、家、ガラス、水、ライト、反射、窓、ポール・デ・ルイター、青、ヴィラコゲルホフ、 HDデスクトップの壁紙Contemporary black-clad house with monolithic door/window projection Architecture Durable, Residential Architecture, Contemporary Architecture, Amazing Architecture, Architecture Details, Interior Architecture, Architecture Project, Traditional Architecture, Contemporary House大吾疆Not just another Fashion Boutique but architecture design pearl http://www.design42day.com/fashion/architecture-design-dior/ Architecture Design, Organic Architecture, Futuristic Architecture, Architecture Exterior, Facade Design, Beautiful Architecture, Architecture Project, Contemporary Architecture, Architecture Building建築家が作った暮らしの巣。 - 物件ファンResidential Building, Residential Architecture, Contemporary Architecture, Contemporary House, Interior Architecture, Modern Architecture Building, Contemporary Building, House Front Design, Modern House Design建築設計事務所 BIGによるストックホルムの新建築「79&Park」 目の前に広がる国立公園の景観と調和した設計 | Webマガジン「AXIS」 | デザインのWebメディア[Minecraft]現代建築 part・6HiSoUR 芸術 文化 美術 歴史現代建築Que jogo lindo de luz e sombra / negativo e positivo essa fachada gerou! Villa Architecture, Contemporary Architecture, Architecture Building, Contemporary House, Contemporary Wallpaper, Architecture Photography, Contemporary Staircase, Contemporary Exterior, Contemporary ApartmentComte Vollenweider, Aldo Amoretti - www.aldoamoretti.it · Gallienice 138…: Architecture Résidentielle, Education Architecture, Apartment Architecture, Classical Architecture, Apartment Building, Contemporary Architecture, Social Housing Architecture, Building Facade, Residential BuildingMinecraft現代建築韓国の現代建築建築家とデザインの街ソウル建筑 Biophilic Architecture, Modern Architecture Interior, Tropical Architecture, Japanese Architecture, Futuristic Architecture, Amazing Architecture, Architecture Building, Architecture Design, ShanghaiBuilding C (via hakonvestli) Architecture Design, Architecture Exterior, Contemporary Architecture, Amazing Architecture, Architecture Building, Installation Architecture, Architecture Geometric, Enterprise Architecture, Gothic Architecture株式会社IAO竹田設計現代建築の外観The Gherkin – Swiss Re London London Architecture, Architecture Rendering, Contemporary Architecture, Amazing Architecture, Architecture Building, Architecture Details, Building Design, Architecture Exterior, Norman Foster ArchitectureTadao Ando - 4x4 House Tadao Ando Buildings, Tadao Ando Architecture, Interior Architecture, Concept Models Architecture, Architecture Drawing, Casa Azuma, 4x4, Tower House, Zaha Hadideabiennial | volume#2 Flying Architecture, Architecture Rendering, Architecture Visualization, Chinese Architecture, Contemporary Architecture, Cgi, Stucco Exterior, Craftsman Exterior, Bungalow ExteriorSokuUp公共建築
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