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挙げる あげる
Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to raise
  • to elevate

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to do up (one's hair)

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to fly (a kite, etc.)
  • to launch (fireworks, etc.)
  • to surface (a submarine, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to land (a boat)

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to show someone (into a room)

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to send someone (away)

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to enrol (one's child in school) (enroll)

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to increase (price, quality, status, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to make (a loud sound)
  • to raise (one's voice)

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to earn (something desirable)

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to praise

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to give (an example, etc.)
  • to cite

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to summon up (all of one's energy, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to arrest

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to nominate

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to give

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to offer up (incense, a prayer, etc.) to the gods (or Buddha, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to bear (a child)

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to conduct (a ceremony, esp. a wedding)

  • used after the -masu stem of a humble verb to increase the level of humility


  • 【他動】tally


    • onyomiキョ
    • kunyomiあ.げるあ.がるこぞ.る
    • meaningraise; plan; project; behavior; actions


  • Japanese 「冬のソナタ」を例に挙げるまでもなく、いまや時ならぬ韓流ブームである。
    English You don't need to bring up "A Winter Sonata" to show that South Korean culture is having an unexpected boom in Japan.
  • Japanese 彼が得点を挙げると群集は大声を上げた。
    English The crowd yelled when he scored a goal.
  • Japanese 私と結婚式を挙げる前の晩に、彼女が私の親友 と浮気をしていました。
    English The night before we were to be married, she had an affair with my best friend.



f:id:robakuma:20170511094215p:plain「テレビで見かけたパラダイム転換の文化力発想」メモNo.5  _e0030765_12161086.jpg二の句が継げない/にのくがつげないめおと漫才 歌詞 宮史郎 ふりがな付ウラハイ = 裏「週刊俳句」今日1日、否定的な言葉を使わずに過ごそう! 「伝え方しだいで人生は思い通り」の図式を解説!/神トーーク①「言挙げせず」  皆見宮司(丹生川上神社下社)のお話しよりimage言挙げせず5B561D58-4923-46E4-9D21-E9E9DC20BAD9.jpg黒く塗れJapan Hieroglyph Calligrapher亀甲獣骨文字(甲骨文字)作家       邑守水分(むらかみすいぶん)053 言 甲骨365『言挙げせず』西田幾多郎『日本文化の問題』心に光を呼びます Padme★yuki言挙げせず国喧嘩と仲直りの30の名言喧嘩の終わりを明確にする便利な一言。「はい。ここでおしまい」。BBIの絵顔で羽生くん応援ブログ~羽生結弦選手の美しさに打ちのめされながら出会えたキセキに感謝して~言葉はときとして叩かれることもあるけど  でも表現なら受け取り方で変わるから髪結い伊三次捕物余話 我、言挙げす文春文庫ソラの家師匠の不思議な日常色の宝石箱 Larimar ラリマー丹生川上神社 下社☆日本最古の水神を祀る社札幌回胴式遊戯専門学校言い訳をさせてください。聞いたくせに文句を言う人山手通り躑躅1紀伊國屋書店f:id:awa-otoko:20150421232622j:image今一番聞きたい言葉手花火に〜山口誓子日本の伝統を伝え、ビジネスを改革する――街おこしのキーマンは「神社経営の変革者」(後編):嶋田淑之の「この人に逢いたい!」(4/4 ページ)外套の〜山口青邨姑、実母、夫…「それを今、言う?」角を立てずに黙らせる方法は?【イライラモヤモヤを持ち越さない「言い返す」技術 第3回】春吉省吾の世界加賀美新悟 『俺のブログ』『言挙げ KOTOAGE』師匠の不思議な日常春吉省吾の世界この国のかたち 五この国のかたち 五
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