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文字通り もじどおり
Word or expression in common usage
nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'
  • literal

  • literally


  • in the literature 【副】literally


    • onyomiブンモン
    • kunyomiふみあや
    • meaningsentence; literature; style; art; decoration; figures; plan; literary radical (no. 67)
    • onyomiツウ
    • kunyomiとお.るとお.り-とお.り-どお.りとお.すとお.し-どお.しかよ.う
    • meaningtraffic; pass through; avenue; commute; counter for letters, notes, documents, etc.


  • Japanese 同一差出人から同一受取人に宛てて郵袋という、文字通り袋に印刷物を入れて郵送します。
    English A mailbag from a single sender addressed to one recipient, as the name suggests, is for delivering a bag of printed matter.
  • Japanese 私はおろかにもその慣用語句を文字通りの意味で解釈してしまった。
    English I foolishly interpreted the idiom according to its literal sense.
  • Japanese 言うまでもなく、軍隊の規律は文字通り厳しい。
    English It goes without saying military discipline is literally rigid.
  • Japanese 軍隊の規律は文字通り厳しいものだ。
    English Military discipline is literally rigid.
  • Japanese かわいそうにその犬は文字通りライオンに引き裂かれてしまった。
    English The poor dog was literally torn apart by the lion.
  • Japanese 刑事は文字通り何千人もの人に事件についての聞き込みを行った。
    English The detective questioned literally thousands of people about the incident.



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