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爆撃 ばくげき
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
  • bombing (raid)


  • air-raid
  • bombardment
  • bombing
  • bombing campaign
  • bombing raid
  • bombing strike
  • shelling



  • Japanese 町は敵機の爆撃を受けた。
    English The city was bombed by enemy planes.
  • Japanese 首都は繰り返し繰り返し爆撃された。
    English The capital was bombed again and again.
  • Japanese 私達の街は今週2回爆撃を受けた。
    English Our town was bombed twice this week.
  • Japanese 市民達は激しい爆撃を受けてひるんだ。
    English The citizens staggered under the heavy bombing.
  • Japanese ロンドンは数回爆撃を受けた。
  • Japanese ここを中心とする一帯が爆撃された。
    English The area the center of which is here was bombed.



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