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相手 あいて
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • companion
  • partner
  • company

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • other party
  • addressee

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • opponent (sports, etc.)


  • other party
  • other person
  • the other side
  • vis-a-vis


    • onyomiソウショウ
    • kunyomiあい-
    • meaninginter-; mutual; together; each other; minister of state; councillor; aspect; phase; physiognomy


  • Japanese 遊び相手がなくて孤独だった。
    English I was lonely, with nobody to play with.
  • Japanese 初めから果敢に前へ出て圧倒し、体勢を崩した相手を押し出した。
    English He resolutely pushed forward from the start, overwhelming and pushing out his off-balance opponent.
  • Japanese 自分よりも下品な相手は『下品』と思い、自分よりも上品な相手は『上品ぶっている』と思いますね。
    English You think someone coarser than you is "crude", and someone higher class than you to be "putting on airs".
  • Japanese 「そんなに舐められた相手じゃないけどなぁ・・・」「そうだよ、窮鼠猫を噛むって言うじゃないか」
    English "I don't think she's an opponent you can ignore like that ..." "That's right, they say a cornered rat bites back, don't they?"
  • Japanese 相手が悪かったな。
  • Japanese 朝起きて、挨拶を交わす相手がいる——久しぶりの感覚だ。
    English To get up in the morning, and there be someone to say good morning to - I haven't had this feeling for a long time.
  • Japanese 彼女の条件が結婚相手を選ぶ際の優先事項だ。
    English Her conditions for choosing a marriage partner took priority.
  • Japanese 怯んだのを相手に気取られてはいけない。
    English You mustn't let the other person notice that you flinched.
  • Japanese よりによって相手がノーマークのスーちゃんなんて。
    English That it be with the off-the-radar Sue of all people!
  • Japanese で、電話してみたらしいんだけど、その電話先の相手ってのが問題だったのよ。
    English And so it seems she tried phoning but it's who was on the other end of that phone that was the problem.
  • Japanese そのため、僕にとってのココは「遊び相手のお姉さん」で、家族のひとりとしての認識しかなく、親父に誰何するような存在ではなかった。
    English For that reason Coco was, to me, 'an older sister I can play with' and I thought of her only as one member of the family not as someone I should question my father concerning her identity.
  • Japanese そういう相手の前では、私の見せ掛けだけの怜悧な技術は、見抜かれた時に負けていたと思う。
    English I think that against somebody like that, my seemingly clever techniques would be seen through and then I would be defeated.
  • Japanese これは私の血ではない。すべて相手の返り血だ。私の身体には傷ひとつない。
    English This isn't my blood. It's all splash-back from my opponent. There isn't a single scratch on me.
  • Japanese あいつも海千山千だから、相手と取引させてもかなり手づよいぞ。
    English With all of his tricks he has mastered, he will be able to deal with any formidable client.
  • Japanese 2回以降、相手チームの投手も立ち直って、投手戦となった。
    English After the second innings, the opposing pitcher recovered too, and it turned into a pitching duel.
  • Japanese 「ちょっと、寮生相手にアンケートでもとってみる?」「あっ、いわゆるひとつのマーケティングリサーチだな」
    English "Say, shall we try a questionnaire with the boarding students?" "Ah! One of those things they call 'marketing research'."
  • Japanese 話し相手が欲しいだけです。
  • Japanese 話し相手が欲しい。
    English I need someone to talk with.
  • Japanese 和平会談は再度失敗したが、双方とも相手方に失敗の責任ありと非難した。
    English The peace talks failed again, with both sides blaming the other for the failure.
  • Japanese 老人には話し相手が必要だ。



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