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結構 けっこう
Word or expression in common usage
adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
adverbial noun (fukushitekimeishi)
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • splendid
  • nice
  • wonderful
  • delicious
  • sweet

  • construction
  • architecture


  • very well 【間投】good-o / good-oh
  • hot dog〈米俗〉〔満足・賛成・喜び・意気込みなどを表す〕 【形】good-o / good-oh 【副】tolerably


    • onyomiケツケチ
    • kunyomiむす.ぶゆ.うゆ.わえる
    • meaningtie; bind; contract; join; organize; do up hair; fasten


  • Japanese 好奇心がお旺盛なのは大変に結構なことである。
    English A healthy curiosity is truly a fine thing.
  • Japanese 「まだ浅いね。足とどく」「結構遠浅だな。よつばもまだ足つくだろ」
    English "It's still shallow, eh. My feet still touch the bottom." "It's quite a shallow beach. Yotsuba, you can still touch the bottom can't you?"
  • Japanese 同様に振る舞う他のイベントでも結構です。
    English Another event that has the same behaviour would also be fine.
  • Japanese ここ、結構パスタがいけるのよ。あとピザも。
    English The pasta here's pretty good. And the pizza too.
  • Japanese コーヒー通の人達に結構評判がいいそうです。
    English I hear that it has quite the reputation with coffee connoisseurs.
  • Japanese いやいや、結構結構。下の名前で呼び合うのは親近感がわいてよろしいことだ。
    English Not at all, that's perfectly fine. Calling each other by one's given name is a good thing; it produces a feeling of fellowship.
  • Japanese あらまあ、馬子にも衣装とはこのことだねぇ。スーツ着ると結構格好いいじゃん。
    English Well, it's just like the proverb "fine feathers make a fine bird". You look really good when you wear a suit.
  • Japanese 遊ぶ時間は結構あります。
    English I still have a lot of time for fun.
  • Japanese 猛烈に勉強しなくてもすむとは、結構ですね。
    English It is good that you do not have to study so hard.
  • Japanese 面白ければどんな本でも結構です。
    English Any book will do as long as it is interesting.
  • Japanese 満足はごちそうと同じ位結構なもの。
    English Enough is as good as a feast.
  • Japanese 毎朝運転するのに結構うんざりしてきていたのよ。
  • Japanese 僕も結構風呂の時間が短いけれど、君は本当に烏の行水だね。
    English I don't usually take long baths but you're in and out in no time.
  • Japanese 僕はどっちでも結構です。
    English It's all the same to me.
  • Japanese 別に無理に進めているわけではありません。嫌なら結構です。
    English I am not insisting on it. If you don't like it, just don't take it.
  • Japanese 彼女の髪の毛は結構短い。
    English The woman's hair is quite short.
  • Japanese 彼は若い頃、結構苦労した。
    English He went through a lot when he was younger.
  • Japanese 彼は結構飲まされていた。
    English He has taken to drinking recently.
  • Japanese 彼は結構しぶといね。転んでもただでは起きぬ、いい根性しているよ。
    English He's a tenacious guy who always manages to come out on top. He's the kind of guy who can turn any situation to his advantage.
  • Japanese 彼の会社、最近結構危ない橋を渡っているって、もっぱらの噂だよ。
    English His company is dangling by a thread. That's the rumor I hear.



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