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mercari beeant


noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • edge
  • brink
  • verge
  • side
Word or expression in common usage
adverbial noun (fukushitekimeishi)
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • on the occasion of
  • circumstances


    • onyomiサイ
    • kunyomiきわ-ぎわ
    • meaningoccasion; side; edge; verge; dangerous; adventurous; indecent; time; when


  • Japanese 理論上、理論と実行の間には何の違いもないが、実上違いはあるものだ。
  • Japanese 模擬試験に何回も失敗して、実に受けてみたら思わぬ結果が出た。
    English Having failed my mock examinations any number of times, when I actually tried taking it the result was nothing I'd imagined.
  • Japanese 指導部の交代は、国政治経済に重要な影響を与える。
    English Changes of leadership have a great effect on the international political economy.
  • Japanese このままではわが国の国競争力はさらに低下する恐れが大きい。
    English At this rate, the risk is high that our country's competitive position will drop even further.
  • Japanese 診察室を出る間、先生が「バイバイ」と手を振ってくださいました。
    English Just as we were leaving the exam room the doctor waved his hand saying, 'bye-bye'.
  • Japaneseはそんなことあるわけないが、釘を刺すにはちょうどよさそうだ。
    English There's no way something like that would really happen, but it seemed just right to drive the point home.
  • Japanese お買い物にお越しのには是非、お立ち寄りください。
    English Please, by all means, drop in when you go shopping.
  • Japanese 今度書く小説でラブホテルが舞台になるんで、一度実に見ておきたかったんです。
  • Japanese 中学生が英語を学ぶの最難関の一つが関係代名詞です。
    English One of the greatest hurdles facing middle school students learning English is relative pronouns.
  • Japanese ああ、オレも実、こうして目の当たりにするまでは半信半疑だったが・・・。
    English Yes, truthfully, until it was right in front of me like this, I half-doubted it ...
  • Japanese 消費者の米離れや国市場解放が原因とされる米価の下落が原因だ。
    English It is the drop in the rice pricing (blamed on consumers' loss of interest in rice and the freeing up of the international market) that is the cause.
  • Japanese 携帯電話から国電話をかけても、モビラなら「1分あたり20円」でかけられます。
    English Even making an international phone call from a mobile, if it's Mobila then you can do it for 20 Yen per minute.
  • Japanese まぁ実問題、そんな噂が渦巻く中でよく部活が存続してると思うぜ。
    English Well, for the practical problem, in the midst of those rumours flying around I'm surprised they've been able to keep that club running.
  • Japanese 穂木を台木に差し込む、形成層を重ね合わせるようにします。
    English When inserting the budwood into the root stock make the cambium layer overlap.
  • Japanese 特に、調和平均の実の使用例としては、「平均速度」が主に取り上げられ、説明がそこで終わってしまうのが通例である。
    English In particular it is customary for actual examples of use of the harmonic mean generally cover "average speed," and explain no further than that.
  • Japanese 彼女の条件が結婚相手を選ぶの優先事項だ。
    English Her conditions for choosing a marriage partner took priority.
  • Japanese 自宅を建て増し改築する、この部屋にだけ防音設備と内鍵を付けて貰った。
    English When my home had an extension built I only had this room fitted with soundproofing and an internal lock.
  • Japanese 恵子が手よく食器を重ねて、シンクへ運んでゆく。
    English Keiko deftly piles up the cutlery and takes them to the sink.
  • Japanese また辞去するに決して忘れないようにすること。
    English It is very important to be careful not to forget them when you leave.
  • Japanese そのホムペURLは添付するべきなんでしょうか?
    English Do you suppose I should attach the web page's URL on those occasions?



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