Lol, that's so weird about the level thing, I'm not stupid, I know that even though you complete… - Feed Post from StonerPenguin to beeant
Lol, that's so weird about the level thing, I'm not stupid, I know that even though you complete the level you have to have a minimum number of points, but honest to god, it said "114009 to 75001 to Level 5" for when I submitted my comment (and had been saying that I needed 75001 to get to level 5 for several days actually), and when you posted your comment it changed to "114009 to 115001 to Level 5", did you fix it?
Sorry, I'm just pointing that I so you don't think I'm stupid! :P Thanks for your time, and sympathize with you being busy, and I hate to bother you over trivial stuff. You kickass yo. :D
Sorry, I'm just pointing that I so you don't think I'm stupid! :P Thanks for your time, and sympathize with you being busy, and I hate to bother you over trivial stuff. You kickass yo. :D
posted by StonerPenguin