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You haven't been on in a while! I sent ya a challenge if ya feel like it :P - Feed Post from StonerPenguin to Darknaviexe

You haven't been on in a while! I sent ya a challenge if ya feel like it :P
posted by StonerPenguin

Comments 11

  • Darknaviexe
    I am here most days. I am still planning 2000-5000EXP a day...
  • StonerPenguin
    Oh! Sorry, the progress thingy said your last day act was March 11th :P Good to see you're still on here. Keep trucking man, practice makes perfect ;)
  • StonerPenguin
    Typo; *last day active
  • Darknaviexe
    I am still alive...somehow...
  • StonerPenguin
    You're so dramatic :P lol If you're on so much why don't you use the practice feature more? Or are you afraid you'll level up without really knowing the vocab and kanji, and so be unable to answer the practice questions? Even still, you can select the levels you want to practice (and deselect the ones you don't) and stuff.

    It es muy bien for learning! Also, when doing random practice, if I see a word or kanji I don't recognize, I look it up on tangorin (http://tangorin.com) they'll give you example sentences too, that really help pound home the meaning of the word =D So I habeeb in you man, just gotta believe! (and practice.. :P )
  • Darknaviexe
    You are on!...and how did you figure that!? Often, I forget what some vocabulary mean, and I rarely recognize any kanji...
  • StonerPenguin
    Ah! For the kanji, sometimes I'll write 'em on my hand with a marker with the meaning and readings. I agree that kanji can be hard, and there are lots of similar kanji, but nothing help cement it in my mind quite like writing it down, (although everyone learns differently) but when I first started seriously learning kanji, I wrote all the kanji I knew everyday, but I didn't keep that up very long since writing 100+ kanji is a major pain in the butt :P

    Also! On the subject of kanji, another helpful site http://www.kanji-a-day.com/ They have easy-to-follow stroke diagrams for most common kanji and they have kanji organized by JPLT grade too. Or you can just cut and paste the desired kanji in the 'find kanji' box on the right hand side.

    And one more thing; Ahah! So I was right about you being your being hesitant to level-up! :P Like I said, no worries man, on the left side of the practice page you'll see 'Settings' and you can adjust it to the level you're comfortable with, you can even choose to exclude kanji. And use tangorin too, pasting a word in there so you can find the right answer isn't 'cheating' if it helps you learn- that's the whole point of this site ;)

    And besides I'm pretty sure that 'hansolo' user (http://japaneseclass.jp/user/statistics/7195) is just practicing with level 1 and/or 2 vocab OVER AND OVER to boost up his score :/ because if you look at his stats, he hasn't done like any kanji D: I mean, if I wanted to I could just select level 1 and do it over and over till I got a high score and combo like that but what would be the point?

    So ya, it appears you could do just level one as long as necessary ;)

    Sorry this is so long-winded.. Best of luck. =D
  • StonerPenguin
    ACK! I keep writing 'helps' as 'help'! Makes it look like I don't 'speak the English' so good D: lol
  • Darknaviexe
    Holey fish paste, StonerPenguin! Long-winded is right! Look on the bright side: At least we are not being cheap like Hansolo! I should start doing some quizzes now. Once I finish L2's quizzes, practice will follow. I will use those areas you noted earlier. Thanks!...
  • Darknaviexe
    I posted a few sentences in Groups yesterday. They disappeared, how!?
  • StonerPenguin
    Hmm, I dunno about disappearing sentences, but I see you've already got over 1000 points today! Kickass! It's nice to see that, I'm glad I helped :D BTW Sorry for the tl;dr but I don't think it's really as long as it looks :P haha Anyway, progress is good! Keep at it!
