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Beeantさん, you changed your icon, it's not manly anymore! :P hahaha But just out of curiosity, did… - Feed Post from StonerPenguin to beeant

Beeantさん, you changed your icon, it's not manly anymore! :P hahaha But just out of curiosity, did you draw that yourself? Is that the 'Shizuka' girl that pops up when I come here on Windows Internet Explorer? So like is she a character of yours /a mascot of JCJP? Sorry if I'm wrong, like I said, just curious :D She's cute though!
posted by StonerPenguin

Comments 1

  • beeant
    my sister drew this for JCJP, but it is not used anymore, it used to be someone who will tell you if you give correct answer or wrong answer. haha ya shes cute!

    i wanna make her to be JCJP mascot but I dont know where to put
