Hello! I saw that you posted on Beeant's page asking for assistance :) I will gladly help you as… - Feed Post from StonerPenguin to khystine
Hello! I saw that you posted on Beeant's page asking for assistance :) I will gladly help you as Mr. beeant is quite busy at the moment with his studies. What do you want to know? The first thing I'll tell you is you have to be able to read in hiragana (the basic syllabic 'alphabet' of Japanese) before you can use this site. We don't use romaji (romanticized Japanese, Japanese in English characters e.g. "neko") as it really hinders Japanese literacy.
If you don't know how to read hiragana, I'd recommend joining smart.fm and using this goal http://smart.fm/goals/24666 (or just google 'hiragana' and study it) Hiragana takes about a week to learn but after you've learned it you've made your first step towards Japanese literacy! But until then you can't really use this site :/ Sorry.
If you don't know how to read hiragana, I'd recommend joining smart.fm and using this goal http://smart.fm/goals/24666 (or just google 'hiragana' and study it) Hiragana takes about a week to learn but after you've learned it you've made your first step towards Japanese literacy! But until then you can't really use this site :/ Sorry.
posted by StonerPenguin