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Sorry for not replying sooner to your first messages D: I just got back from a 3-day-long vacation… - Feed Post from StonerPenguin to suaracahaya

Sorry for not replying sooner to your first messages D: I just got back from a 3-day-long vacation and the days before it were kinda busy due to getting-ready stuff :p Anyway, it's cool that you're a foreign student living in Japan! I guess your native country is Indonesia? I see that a lot of serious Japanese students are Indonesian, that's very interesting :)

As to how and why I study Japanese;
I really love music, but recently American music hasn't been nearly as good as the old stuff, so I started listening to Japanese music. I found and came to love the music of Utada Hikaru, Flow, Maximum the Hormone, UVERworld, Shikao Suga etc. So I started memorizing songs and reoccurring words and that's how I got interested in learning the language :D I study with this site along with smart.fm and regular exposure (reading Japanese manga/books/websites and watching Japanese shows). Japanese learning can be very addicting, can't it?

Other websites I use;
http://tangorin.com/ is a helpful dictionary website
http://www.japanforum.com/forum/japanese-language-help/ is an awesome place to ask questions and discuss Japanese Language learning :)

So what's your story? =D How did you move to Japan?
posted by StonerPenguin


